Monday, July 2, 2012

Heat and Canasta

Yes, on Sunday it hit 111 degrees, passing up Saturday's high of 110. Sure, we have a pool for the kids, but we can't put the kids out there in that kind of heat!!  Poor Lexi....she LOVES to play outside so we don't dare say the word outside because she will drop whatever she is holding or playing with and run to the door and then get upset when she can't go out. And, if the dogs need to go outside, we try to do it when Lexi isn't watching.

As for the rest of us we spent out time inside chasing the toddler as she tore apart the house and got into everything that was available and not nailed down. However, we did also learn a new card game to play. Well, new to us at least. We dragged out two decks of cards and had Grandpa print off the rules for Canasta from the internet. I have to admit that I missed the beginning of all this since I was enjoying my afternoon siesta but when I woke up, I found out that Trinity had beat her mom with the very first game!  And, it didn't take me long to join in and we had a pretty good Canasta marathon going there on and off during the day. It was a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed Canasta and it's a good game to teach kids because it makes them think and they get to use their counting skills.

However, Trinity and I would like to lodge a complaint with the Canasta Association. Later in the evening, me, Trinity and Shelly were in the middle of a good game when Lexi FINALLY wore herself out and got cranky. That meant bath time and 'nighty-night' so Grandpa stepped in for Shelly while she took care of Lexi. Well, it was like bringing in a 'ringer' in a bowling game or ANY game for that matter! We didn't have a chance....which is no surprise since he learned from the best...his mom.

I'm still reviewing the printed out rules to see if it's legal to substitute another person in the middle of a game. If it isn't, it should be and it will be in our least from now on!

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