Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kitchen Towels

I don't know if we have the only house that cannot keep kitchen towels IN the kitchen, but it's something that is starting to drive me nuts in our house! You know, the towels you put out to dry your hands on when they get wet from doing the dishes, rinsing something.....not to wipe up something on the floor (that's a whole other blog in itself so we won't go there now). I've also found that they can make the kitchen more cheerful and add a little color. Hey, we have a kitchen with white cabinets, white woodwork and white floor....need I say more? Well, they keep walking off!

I work hard trying to keep our kitchen neat and believe me.....with three kids and three adults living in this house, it can be a real challenge but I think I've pretty well kept up with it except for one aggravating mystery that happens several times a day. And, I will be the first to admit that I am a party to this problem along with the others who live here. Actually, I think it's just the adults because I have never really seen any of the kids using a kitchen towel for anything even if they made a mess that needed to be cleaned up on the for washing their hands, yeah...I guess they do that once in a while. Ok, to be fair, I think they do a lot of washing in their bathroom which I don't know for sure (haven't seen any evidence of it) as I try to avoid their bathroom at all costs.

Anyhow, I like to keep two kitchen towels hanging on the handle of the oven; matching towels make me the most happy. So, the first thing I usually do after Shelly and the girls leave in the morning is clean up the kitchen, empty and reload the dishwasher, wipe down the counters and pick the color of towels for the day and hang them up with a smile on my face (it's the little things that I need I cling to so I keep my sanity). The day starts off like that but then it rapidly goes downhill where the towels are concerned. They move!! I find them on the counters, kitchen table, island, and even the livingroom. Some have actually made it as far as our bedroom. So when I'm standing there with dripping hands and no towels in sight, I go into the towel drawer and pull a new one out. Ok, now we have two matching towels out and about along with the odd one I just pulled from the drawer. So, do I get the other towel out to go along with the orphan one and hang those two on the stove together and hope that the first two will show up? They always do.....hopefully. Although I have to admit that I do have a couple of towels that do not have their partner anymore and have no idea where they ended up (maybe the rag bag or the girl's room which 'sucks' things up, never to be seen again).

I have come to the conclusion that there is no remedy for this and I should be happy that my kitchen looks cheerful for at least a couple of hours each day. I guess you could say I'm 'throwing in the towel'.

Note: I usually like to include a photo in my posts but I was hard pressed to find two matching towels to snap a picture of so you'll just have to believe that they really do exist.

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