Monday, November 5, 2012

What to do....what to do.....

For the first time in over 40 years of casting my vote, I am really, REALLY undecided. For most of you out there, I'm sure this Presidential Election is a 'slam-dunk' but not for me. I don't know if it's because I am now a senior citizen (62) and for the first time, I have to really think about what's on the line for us 'baby boomers'. You have Social Security, Medicare, among other things that I really never had to think about when voting. I have always been a Democrat and would vote a straight Democratic ticket, but this election really has me in a tizzy for the first time.

There's the decision of "Do we start all over with someone new?" or "Do we keep the person sitting in the White House...someone who has started working on issues that have an impact on all of us and just may get them fixed if given more time (I mean, you have to admit....when he took over four years ago, this country was in a real mess) to work on them. Do we vote in someone new who will take everything apart that has been accomplished in the last four years (little as it may be) and start from scratch?

I decided to give it the "How has the last four years affected me" test. I mean everyone has their own opinion of who belongs in the White House. But for me, these are a few of the issues that I touched on to really think of how the last four years have been for us before I cast my vote.
  • We were both able to retire and started collecting Social Security (we would like to collect it while the collecting is good). Granted, our past financial planning helped us be able to make that move without the help of the White House (then again, the stock market really hasn't been that bad; in fact we are actually making money again on our retirement plans). I don't know if I can give total credit for that to President Obama but the stock market is tied to the way the country is being run so something good must have went on there in the last four years. 
  • We were able to sell our house; took a killing (like everyone else) but at least it sold so we could move on. Yes, if we would have had someone else in the White House, MAYBE we could have made more money but who knows? And, I'm certainly not going to dwell on it. Note: I have read that the housing market is coming back in Milwaukee; maybe too late for us but it's making a turn-around.
  • The interest rates have actually come down and we were able to refinance our house in Tennessee and saved a BUNDLE.
  • Taxes: No matter who is elected, taxes will be a sore point so I'm not going to waste my time even thinking on that subject. They may go up or they may come down but they aren't going away so it's one of those things that you have no choice but to accept.
Again, I realize that we are in a different category than some out there; some who can't find a job, buy a home and have a real problem supporting a family. It's been tough for a lot of people. Can a new President turn that around and if long will it take? I think these people have had such a hard time for so long, they may be looking for a 'quick fix' and I really can't blame them. But if there is one thing I have learned; especially in the last four years.....there are NO quick fixes in government. 

Also, Grandpa reminded me that President Obama isn't the only one running the government; the way Congress votes has a big impact on it. And they have fought him on a lot of things. Perhaps, a new leader in the White House would not have that problem. Maybe Congress would work better with someone else......then again, maybe Congress needs to be replaced.

So, a lot to think about before Tuesday. Do we hang in there or do we 'jump ship' and vote for someone else in the White House hoping it will get better sooner? 

Like I said, it might not be a tough decision for some of you out there who to cast your vote for, but for me.....I'm still doing some heavy thinking to come to that decision.

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