Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Since Blogger can't seem to get their act together and fix the photo download 'thingy', here is something I started when I was sick and feeling sorry for myself. I'm sure you have all been there at least one time in your lives so you know where I was coming from. Actually, since the 'fog' lifted, none of these things seem to bother me.....ain't that nice!

I guess you could say that I've been battling 'the bug' for a while now, but I think I might just be starting to win the war. At least, I think I'm feeling better. Then again, I felt like I was getting better several times over the past weeks only to be dragged down and knocked on my butt once again. Even though I wasn't at my best physically, my mind did manage to keep functioning.....sort of. Through the haze of several rounds of antibiotics, predisone, inhalers, Musinex D, cough syrup, nasal spray, aspirin, 11 boxes of tissues and I don't know how many hours of sleep (actually, I think it was delirium) and several pints of ice cream, I have made several observations around here. First a few questions...
  1. Why do we have 14 zippy cups and only one toddler? Actually, if I took the time and patience to put the odd parts and pieces together, I might come up with a few more, but we certainly don't need them. We don't even need all of the cups we have now since this toddler seems to only want to drink out of the same four cups. I say get her on a regular cup and hope for the best. She might be messy but we gain a whole shelf in the kitchen cabinet.
  2. Why am I the only one who knows how to empty and reload the dishwasher in this place? The dishwasher could have dirty dishes in it with room for more but they STILL will just rinse the dishes (if they even think of that) and toss them in the sink which is about four inches from opening the dish washer door. And, when it is full, why am I the only one who runs it? This is not rocket science here. And, I'm not falling for that "Oh, I'll run it when I go to bed because it makes so much noise" promise anymore. That just leaves a full load of dirty dishes to greet me first thing in the morning. I say, tough!!! I'm running it when I want to. If it's too noisy, try turning off one of the T.V.'s that are blasting.
  3. Why is it when I want to do a load of laundry, there is always a load still in the dryer and two tons of lint in the lint trap? Grandpa is saved from this one since he avoids doing the laundry at all costs which I find comical because he is forever teasing me about needing a 'new rock' when I complain about it. Ok, if it's just a matter of pounding the clothes on a rock, why doesn't he do it? When we first moved here, I would find a load in the dryer and I'd turn into the 'clothes folding fairy'. Not anymore. Now, I just yank them out and pile them on Shelly's bed. No more neat little piles from this fairy. If there is no room on her bed, I stack them somewhere long as it's out-of-sight and I don't have to look at it.
  4. I'm not the only one to drink coffee in this house so why am I the only one who makes it? And, it couldn't be any easier....then again, obviously it must be tough for the other adults in this house. You fill the pot the night before, set the timer and Viola!! Coffee brewing away at 6:00 a.m. What more could you ask for? I wouldn't mind waking up to coffee brewing that I hadn't started the night before.
  5. Why are our pots and pans stored in the lowest, most inconvenient cupboard in the kitchen. Wait....the better question is....why do we have 34 pots and pans but always use the same four or five? Who are we trying to impress? And do you know what you get when you have that many pots and pans jammed into a bottom corner cupboard....CHAOS!! First of all, you have to actually kneel down (which is not the easiest for me at this age) to dive in there to find the one pan you are looking for AND it's usually the one that is buried the deepest. I say we eliminate 85% of our pots and pans and if what we are cooking does not fit in the ones that are left....microwave it!
  6. Which brings me to cleaning the microwave. I swear I'm going to put up a sign "If you microwave it, cover it or you will CLEAN it". Do you know what microwaving chili does to the inside of the microwave if it's not covered?  If not, come to my house and I'll be happy to enlighten you.
There.....that's it for now. Hopefully, Blogger will have the photo problem fixed soon or I may have to create a new blog and we all know how much trouble I get into when I fool around with workings of this computer!  Google already thinks I'm a hacker and won't talk to me any more )-:

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