Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ice Storm

Ice? What ice?
Friday we were hit with a monster ice storm. Schools were closed, Shelly couldn't make it to work and was home with Lexi. Trinity and Madison safe at their daddy's hours. Had the candles and flashlights ready for power outages which we happening, but we were lucky and we did not loose ours. Even with all that going on, I got a lot done in my 'quilting nook'. Pressed, measured and ripped a lot of fabric for the new quilting class I started last Wednesday so my homework is done and ready for the next step of starting the appliqued squares (by hand, no less).
By Saturday it was back up to 42 degrees, the ice had melted and life went out on as usual. All three kids home and a birthday party for Trinity.....just a another 'normal' day at our house!

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