Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I forgot to add to the last post about Grandpa's illness that our house has turned into a Germ War Zone! No more coughing in your hands....which I have to add here that this is a very HARD habit to break. I mean I'm 62 years of age....which means 62 years of  'cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze' rattling around in my brain. Now, you have to cough and/or sneeze into your elbow. It sort of makes sense when you think about it; your elbows don't touch everything like your hands do after sneezing or coughing into them; therefore, not spreading germs. Whatever!

Along with the new technique for covering your mouth, there is is also a multi-million dollar business out there on antiseptic EVERYTHING!!! The above is a sample of what we picked up on a recent trip to Walmart. I didn't know which one was the best (germ killer), or smelled the nicest since I can't smell anyway. I just took my arm and swished a variety into the cart and will hope for the best. All I know is that every room in this house is manned with anticeptic hand wash and/or soap along with a small bottle in my purse; oh yeah, they have it purse-size I said....somebody is making some buck off of this war on germs!

I'm still trying to decide if I need to dump this stuff on my elbows.....I mean they are the ones catching all the germs now, right?

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