Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hi Everyone.....

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted on my blog! Did you think I had vanished, left the country or inducted into the Witness Protection Program for being the nosey person I am. Nah, nothing that exciting; just busy with other things. But you know, I woke up this morning and realized that I really missed my old friend "Grandma's House". So, buckle you seat belts as I catch you up on over a years worth of news!

It would be impossible to pick up where I left memory has taken a real hit since then so I'll just write about what pops into my head. And, I have to try and remember what buttons to push for what I want to happen.

So, ok.....let's see if I can get a photo copied over......

Yeah, it worked! This is Madison who is showing off her new glasses. Her teacher noticed that she was squinting a lot in class and suggested she be taken to the eye doctor. Well, sure enough...poor Madison was not seeing the world for what it really is. With 20-80 vision, she definitely was missing out on a lot. Her mom said that when the glasses set on her nose for the first time, her facial expression was priceless! And, she has not stopped smiling since. She says it's like seeing things for the first time....almost makes you want to break down in tears. Thank you to her wonderful teacher for being so observant!

And, you have to admit.....she looks darn cute in them!

Till next time.....

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